Sunday 25 November 2012

Operation Tree-Playhouse is go go go!!

Operation Tree-Playhouse has begun.  I'm pretty sure it won't be done by Christmas but I'm starting to think that that might not be a bad thing and might be a nice thing for me to work on over the Christmas break and something new to pull out in February (well that's my excuse anyway! :P ) 

So far I have dyed these lovely old blue sheets to brown.  Hard to believe but they were both put in the same machine with the same dye at the same time?! Obviously the fabric type has made a big difference to the end result but the lighter one has some lovely flecks in it that make it look very bark like.   

 I then cut these into 5 squares - well four squares and am having to make another square out of two off cuts and pinned these together to make sure the overall idea will work - and I think from these pictures it looks like it might.

I am going to do each piece separately and then sew them together at the end.  Am currently working on the top part :)

 I can now show a couple of things that I've been working on that were given as presents recently.  Firstly were these two lovely knitted bears made for my two friends little babies - that are sooooooooo cute and cuddly! (the babies that is - although the bears are too - a perfect match!! hehe)

And then this lovely red patchwork pillow for my mums birthday which will go with her newly decorated living room as long as she doesn't change her mind about the colour!!

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