Friday, 31 May 2013


The hardest thing about writing this blog I find (other than keeping up to date with it!!) is thinking of a title each time.  Sometimes it comes to me straight away but today it didn't! Lol!

We had a trip to the library at the weekend and I got some lovely books out 

This is a lovely book and I've had a go at the ripple cushion but have given up till I feel a bit more with it ( am suffering with sinusitis at the moment) but am making a circle stripy cushion instead as that is much easier :)

Here's a sneak peak 

Think I've done this wrong but it still works so have carried on.  Am thinking cushions is the way to go!

This is an amazing book! And would be even better if I wasn't dairy intolerent :( haven't baked anything from it yet but I will do before I give it back 

And then I grabbed this one without really looking at it - I do love a good bread book!! But look who's on the back!! Clearly before GBBO! 

Am making a French bread from here this week and I have to try the chocolate and cherry bread before it goes back.  

I also grabbed Bring Up The Bodies by Hilary Mantel when I saw it on the shelf. I have been desperate to read this before I even finished Wolf Hall and I'm already half way through and I'm not disappointed! Can totally recommend it.  I love the Tudors.

I think I mentioned in my last post that I had bought some other items from the jumble sale - well I finally tackled the iron mountain and can now show you all a picture of my finds :)  not bad for £2.25 eh? 

And today I've picked up these for £11 for the little man 

He's currently watching Flushed Away and has not moved so think that's a hit!!! Have put Toy Story 3 and Despicable Me away for another day (the big man is refusing to watch Toy Story 3 till he's seen Toy Story 2!! bless!)

But the most exciting thing that's happened this week are the deliveries I got in the post (which came in lovely big cardboard boxes which the little man has been playing with and I'm sure will be made into something)

Essential oils and jojoba oil :) I got lavender, tea tree, ylang ylang, lemon, pine needle, rosemary, basil, clary sage and patchouli.  I used to use aromatherapy a lot when I was poorly with ME but haven't used it for ages but really want to get back into it.  I have eucalyptus oil as well which I have been steaming with for my sinuses and some of the other oils are for that condition.  Some are to be used with my other delivery.....

10 litres of vinegar...

Three bags of suspicious looking white stuff!! Which is actually bicarbonate of soda, Epsom salts and borax substitute 

And four squirty bottles, castor oil and liquid soap.

These are all for making my own cleaning and beauty products.  I've made a small start but will post more about this in my next post. :) 

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